Cancer Season or: How to use the gifts of The New Moon, Solar Eclipse and Summer Solstice
It’s time to throw the ring of oppression into the fires of Mt. Doom and Cancer season will prepare us for that.
Welcome to Cancer season! The universe has gifted us with a new moon, solar eclipse, and the summer solstice bringing in a time of reflection, balance and finding our power.
Not that there’s not enough going on this year, but the cosmos is also encouraging us to make giant changes that we have been putting off for like 400 years and it’s all happening in Cancer, our nation’s zodiac sign. Coincidence, not likely! ...
The summer solstice and new moons represent new beginnings and reflection and with the moon at 0º, the for change is strong now. It’s like Frodo and Sam taking their first steps out of the Shire and into a new world. They’ve got to leave the comforts of home (Cancer) in order to protect it and humanity (Age of Aquarius). We are seeing our privilege that has created inequities and its impacts on others. Although change is not easy for many of us, the Cardinal energy of Cancer will initiate our need to look at what changes need to be made in our environment. The thought of leaving the security of the life we’ve always known is frightening but seeing our fellowship getting murdered by Orcs and Trolls is no longer an option, the filth of oppression and fear needs to be washed away.
“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” -Bilbo Baggins to Frodo LOTR RIP Sir Ian Holmes
A solar eclipse is just the thing to push us forward on a new path even if we fear the unknown.
Giant changes can occur when the power of the solar eclipse hits-- see Great American Solar Eclipse of 2017. Huge leaps forward or a change in direction can happen so be ready to take a leap of faith and trust your gut. Of course, one does not simply walk into Mordor. You must make a plan and gather provisions before setting off on such a big journey. Now is the time to use the intuitive spirit of Cancer to meditate, and go within. Connecting to your feelings will bring powerful insight on how to move forward because with the sun and moon making a hard aspect to Saturn in Aquarius is exposing centuries of abuse. Will more people finally see that the ring of power needs to be tossed into the fire? We had our chance before (I’m looking at you Isildur!) to stop all this corruption but the shine of such influence is hard to let go of especially when it fits so snuggly on one’s finger. Now it’s up to us, the heir’s of humanity, to plan for the changes we will be making as we come into the new age at the end of the year. ...
So remember, “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” just remember to pack some lembas bread because this is a movement, not a moment.