Hunter Full Moon in Aries 2021
This is a shot of the moon from my backyard at night! So bright!!
We’re almost there! Get ready for the Hunter full moon in Aries tomorrow at 27°. Could be a spicy meatball this one cuz Mars, Aries’ ruler, is opposing the full moon and it brought back up with the sun and Mercury still in Libra. Our “passion for action” is all well and good but the square to Pluto in Capricorn, may bring “let’s bring down the evil empire!” vibes. Yes! Change is coming, and necessary but just make sure you don’t go too far and loose yourself to the dark side, cuz this definitely feels like the battle on Mustafar aka Anakin vs Obi-Wan. That battle lead to Anakin becoming Darth Vader and from a certain point of view, that’s not a good thing. He did it for love, or what he thought was right, but at what cost?! Remember restoring balance to the galaxy or to your life doesn’t have to be so extreme where you loose sight of your humanity. Focus on taking the high ground, so that you don’t get burned (or get your arm and legs cutoff by a lightsaber!) Also with this intense energy, “fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering.” If you’re feeling these low vibes, releasing what no longer serves you is perfect during a full moon. Take out your crystals and meditate. Or, chill out and watch a story from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. That’s my favorite Jedi mind trick! Really calms me down 😁✨ (Image taken by me last night. Looks like day time! 🤩) #astrology #fullmooninaries #libraseason #plutotrigger #capricorn #starwars #darthvader #obiwankenobi #acertainpointofview #cosmosconnector #astrologyairheads #metaphysics #jedimaster #reikimasterteacher