Jupiter in Pisces, time for a real leap of faith.
At least it’s not a bridge of snakes, Indy!
From now until July 28th, Jupiter will be in Pisces and hanging out with co-ruling planet, Neptune. The path may get a little foggy and things may seem exaggerated but don’t let your lack of faith get you in a tight squeeze because that belief in yourself could bring you closer to the holy grail of your wildest dreams. This energy is much like Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. After finding the temple that holds the holy grail those darn nazis (remember how nazis used to be the bad guys. I miss those days), shoot Indy’s dad and in order to save him he must get through several boobytraps or it’s lights out for our heroes. Indy’s faith is tested several times but when he comes to a great chasm and needs to cross to the other side there’s no visible bridge. Indy clutches his heart, lifts his foot up, and takes a step—a true leap of faith. That faith is rewarded when his foot lands solidly on a bridge that is there but camouflaged by the cliffs on the other side. Indy eventually defeats the bad guys, because they chose poorly, saves his Pop and rides off into a galaxy far, far, away ✨😉
My favorite quote of all time!
So you may not have to fight nazis to achieve your greatest dream, although these days it’s a sad possibility, but when you focus on your faith, have humility, and honor, those virtues will never steer you wrong.
Also, if you’re feeling off, (we’re all very prone to more trippy dreams right now) take some time to do your Jedi training like running in a swamp, #naturewalk , levitating some rocks, or fight a remote WITH your blast shield down—because sometimes your eyes can deceive you. Yeah, that’s probably Neptune and those rose colored glasses it wears. So just trust yourself and may the force be with you. And happy birthday to Taurus George Lucas who celebrates his 77th today, May 14th!