“I believe” it’s Pisces Season, again!
Happy Birthday, Pisces! Your season came early this year.
After all these planets sitting in airy Aquarius, I sure am parched! Luckily, Pisces season has arrived a little early this year. And that’s the much needed water break I’ve been looking for especially with the intense square between Saturn and Uranus yesterday, which will hit us two more times this year. A little tenderness and empathy is what we are craving and everyone knows Pisces is here to lend a helping hand.
Pisces as the only water sign without an exoskeleton (Cancer and Scorpio get a nice shell to hide in. No fair!) These fish folk are extremely psychic and know how you feel, like really know. That empathic attitude, often leads them to be protective and/or helpful. Like my Marine nephew who, on his day off, came with me to help a friend move! He didn’t know her but he was all too happy to help. (So, happy early b-day shout out to you, Staff Sargent!🎉)
This feminine polarity rules the 12th house— the final house of the zodiac and has the ability to tap into the energy of all the signs. Pisces also has duel planetary rulership, with the master of dreams and illusion Neptune, along with expansive and spiritual, Jupiter. This creates a space of the visionary that wants to go beyond what is hidden in order to heal. 🔮
It’s like the story of Dr. Strange of the Marvel comics/MCU. As a talented doctor, he can heal his patients and definitely has this illusion (Neptune) of omnipotence (Jupiter the top God). Yet a tragic accident, something he didn’t foresee (oh those rose-colored glasses of Neptune), he becomes a helpless victim, feeling sorry for himself, and avoiding any help from his friends. This is very much the lower vibration of Pisces. They can get so overwhelmed by emotion that they just shutoff and hide at home. See where a shell would come in handy for them🐚! Also here in the 12th house, many say it’s the house of your karma, undoing, or what’s hidden, and that’s what Strange must reckon with—how to get out of that victimhood mindset and heal. This is our call to adventure for Pisces season, too. Things are tough in our society and it’s easy to get into that “poor me” mentality. Not that people aren’t really suffering, but are we adding to that feeling unnecessarily? If you find yourself fairing better these days, is there a way to extend that good energy to others? If you’re not sure how, tap into the lighter side of Pisces—the creative, selfless, empathic energy, assisting us “to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” from Co-Dependents Anonymous, Step 2. (I was in CoDA, cuz Libra’s and unhealthy relationships, amirite?😅) Also, if you can master this house, it’s like becoming a superhero. You’ve broken the code or healed the karma that you brought along for this ride. That’s what our hero, Dr. Strange is able to do, otherwise that story arc would just be a flatline—-beeeeeeep.) His arc has him leaving the physical world behind to step into a metaphysical one—to go beyond what he knew in order to heal at a higher spiritual level. (5D in da Houze! Wut, wut!!!🥳) As keeper and protector of the Time Stone, (the green one—of the Infinity Stones. Come on old timer, keep up!😉) he makes the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good (again that’s 12H energy) in order to save the universe, oh Snap™! And yes, I will always use that joke every time so do not @me!
It may feel like we have a one in a 14 million chance of defeating all the challenges we’re facing right now, but mastering the dark will lead us into the light. You have the strength and courage to face your inner Thanos, head on. This is Endgame, people! The last sign of the zodiac before we do the cycle all over again. And not to worry, I’m on your left! because when you win, I win, and vice versa. The illusion of lack is over, it’s time to come together and reclaim the actual meaning of kumbaya—spiritual unity, closeness and compassion.
Do you know where Pisces is in your chart? What’s hiding out in your 12H, waiting for you to master it, and this lifetime? Let me know below!
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