Beware the ides of Mercury in Pisces

Mercury in Pisces.png

Mercury in Pisces and the Ides of March hit today? Wow the universe is really trusting us not to get all stabby stabby with our friends! Well, maybe some deep breathes and journaling will reward you with a creative idea and redirect all that angst. 😃

Here’s the lowdown, all the planets have placements where they are extremely comfortable and happy, like the joy of getting home after a very long day and finally in your space where you can just be yourself. When planets are in the sign of their rulership or domicile, they’re home and they are comfortable, walking around in their underwear, drinking oat milk straight from the carton—you know just chillin’. When a planet gets to be in a sign that they are exalted in, it’s like they’ve won all the awards, your hair is on point (is that how the kids say it?) and the energy just flows. However, when a planet moves into a space that is opposite their rulership or where they are exalted, then the planet is in detriment or its fall position. The vibe becomes one of discomfort or confusion. It’s like when an actor gets miscast and you either laugh because it’s so bad or turn it off in disgust. That was me the other night watching Kristen Stewart as Snow White in Snow White and the Huntsman. I think she’s actually a good comedic actor but whatever that movie was it was NOT for her. Or her costar Chris Hemsworth, in Bad Times at the El Royale. Grant it, that movie was a mess but he does not play psycho well, he’s just too funny and beautiful. Sorry Chris! You’re good at a lot of stuff but just take a knee on that one dude.

I say all this because Mercury in Pisces is not only in detriment here, but it’s in its fall position, too. How’s that possible you ask? It’s because Mercury is in its domicile (rulership) in Virgo (and Gemini) and Virgo is opposite Pisces on the birth chart. Also, Mercury is exalted in Virgo and that automatically makes Mercury in Pisces its fall position. Mercury is the speedy communicator but in the water signs, he struggles through the waves of emotion and connections could feel a bit murky. With Pisces’ ruler, Neptune still home (he’s the one that drank all the oat milk!) the power of illusion can get ramped up making us feel anxious, depressed and maybe even a little paranoid. I’ve even had some weird moments already with my washing machine where it was on but then it wasn’t??? (water and a machine, that’s so this placement to have issues!) 

Yet, if we use the psychic and creative gifts of Pisces and intellect of Mercury we could have some deep and spiritual conversations that could lead us to becoming more in line with our higher purpose or authentic self. You could also have some “That’s so, Raven” 👁 moments or a Jimmy Neutron “brain blast” where you just know something is off and feel intuitively guided to call a friend or check on a neighbor. If you’re feeling somethings off, then go with your gut cuz you’re probably right.

The best news is this is a wonderful time for creativity, especially for you poets or song writers. I keep thinking about the Elton John song, “Sad Songs Say So Much.” First, the alteration of that title is just music to my ears! And second he has Mercury in Pisces in his natal chart. I had no idea. 😀 The song is about how everyone feels sad or lonely sometimes, but in listening to music that we all love, this is where we can connect, and thus makes us feel a little less alone in our suffering. 

So enjoy some sad songs, or write your own! Also keep meditating and keep your shields of protection up! There’s lots of confusing energy floating around. Also if you are a mutable sign or have those strong placements in your chart, you could feel this energy a bit more. Yeah that’s you, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces! I know, this Sagittarius rising has some creative writing to do! 📝 

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