Episode 211 - The Category is Cancer Season and Pose!!!

The Cat-egory is feline furrocity. Sparky and I enjoyed watching Pose together.

The Cat-egory is feline furrocity. Sparky and I enjoyed watching Pose together.

Episode 211 - Cancer Season and Pose!!
Astrology Airheads with the Cosmos Connector

Roz and Michelle hit the fast facts, characteristics and best connections for Cancer the Crab. Also, for Pride season (but truly for all seasons) we cover one of our favorite shows Pose! The home and security aspect of the show just exuded the vibe of the maternal energy of Cancer season. We also cover a little Cosmos News about surviving the eclipses and just giving ourselves a moment to reflect on the past year and look forward to the creative and playful energy of Leo season.
Markers: Cancer Facts 8:14
Pose character sign breakdown : 31:39
Cosmos News : 57:48

Find Michelle @ 8th_house_siren on all social media platforms
Check out my pal's art @robbmillerart or Happy LoveBird on Etsy



Ep 212 - Heart Chakra Meditation For Leo the Lion Hearted


Ep 210 - Tarot Talk! Meet the wonderful women of the Tarot Coven Podcast