CosmosNews, SeriousSaturnSecond Roz Sydney CosmosNews, SeriousSaturnSecond Roz Sydney

Episode 120-Libra Season Cosmos News: Prepare Thyself for October

This Libra season episode is jam packed with information about what is to come for us astrologically. With the political nightmare that is the U.S. election, the ongoing pandemic, and Black Lives Matter protests, astrology shows us where things might be going. Seriously, October is going to be very busy, and you'll thank yourself for being prepared.

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Episode, Bingewatch Roz Sydney Episode, Bingewatch Roz Sydney

Episode 119- Processing Pawnee: A Very Virgo Episode

We at Astrology Airheads want to honor our listeners’ greatness, by sharing our newest podcast with you! Join us as we chat about our favorite Virgo-esque show Parks and Recreation (2009), starring real life Virgo and all around funny-gal Amy Poehler. So “Treat yo’self” and “spread your wings and fly” because Li'l Sebastian is counting on you!

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