Full moon in Leo 9º January 28th
“A how to guide to ‘screw your courage to the sticking place’ but without like all that murder and stuff” I’m looking at you Lady Macbeth!
“Girl, don’t do it. It’s not worth it.”
“I’m not gonna do it, girl. I’m just thinking about it.
...I did it”—original video by @makayladid
This Full Moon in Leo, squaring Mars and wacky Uranus (those two energies together remind me of Ed the hyena from The Lion King. Total chaos) opposite Jupiter and Saturn...well there could be some drama—so “Be prepared!!!” This post seems to be skewing Lion King—I guess it’s the Leo energy coming through. Anyhow, Leo does have a flare for the dramatic, and with the planet that rules war involved, tensions could be high. Yeah, this is Scar with the hyenas getting the whole ecosystem out of balance vibes. His bruised ego had him making a deal with some undesirables, and that’s what could happen if you get tripped up in the trap of negativity, too. To avoid a possible blow up, we need some unexpected help to come in to help us find the courage to face our fears, and claim our rightful spot as 🦁 King or Queen. Enter Timon and Pumbaa, Hakuna Mata, bitches! We all need that detached energy of “no worries” that Aquarius is known for and with gas giant (haha so Pumbaa) Jupiter in Aquarius, we can tap into that and remove ourselves from the ego. Saturn, with a few quid pro quo’s (Genie? How did you get in here? This isn’t your story!🧞♂️) is here too, teaching us that in order to build a better life it needs to have a solid structure. Taking a step back to review (especially as we’re near our first Mercury retrograde more on that to come!) may give you the perspective you need to bring peace, find common ground, or find where your talents are more beneficial to all—Age of Aquarius themes.
Instead of giving into the power struggles, ask yourself “Can You Feel the Love Tonight?” Perhaps a moment with a long lost love finds you wanting to rekindle the connection (Again Mercury is retrograding bringing all sorts of things back for review!) Leo rules romantic love and playfulness and Mars rules ones sex drive. This may be the energy to tap into if you’re ready for it. Just remember we’re still in a pandemic and Leo rules children. So if you don’t want either of those issues take precautions. (Okay, Mom! Gosh 😅)
We will all feel the effects of the full moon but since it’s sitting in a fixed sign, that means it could be more intense if you have a lot of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and/or Scorpio active in your chart. Also if planets are between 5-13º in these placements then give yourself a break. Here’s some things to do if you’re feeling triggered, starting tonight through Friday.
Get your hair did! (If safety restrictions allow it) #selfcare
Lions have dope manes and most Leo’s and Leo risings are very identifiable by their beautiful locks. In general you could do with a little pampering, like painting your nails (go for gold!) or taking a walk in the moonlight works, too. Actually, walking is a good one! Leo rules the heart and so anything you can do to send loving kindness to your heart is wonderful. And when you feel good, you can expand that energy out to others. There are some great “Loving-kindness” mediations out there (Check out Thich Nhat Hanh and Plum Village for a good starting places) that can connect you to sending love to yourself and the ones you love but also to people you may not love. This is a great opportunity to use the Aquarius energy of the humanitarian to send out Leo love and light because in the end we all are part of the great human consciousness and benefit from everyone raising there vibrations ✨
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