Mercury retrograde in Aquarius
Slow down, Hermes! You forgot your pants.
It’s that time of the year again when messenger planet, Mercury goes retrograde. It has been in it’s “retro-shade” since January 15th, and some of us have already been feeling the communication breakdowns.
Mercury retrogrades three or four times a year and with it comes some major inconveniences but also opportunities to reflect and slow down. Since the retrograde is happening solidly in the air signs—how we think and connect, we will be reflecting on better ways to deal with our short comings in technology, travel, communication, and relationships.
Anyhow, here’s some things to think about as we move backwards and then forward together.
Back up your hard drives but also make sure you can access things from the cloud. Aquarius’ ruler Uranus (who is having a blast right now shaking up Taurus) rules the internet, and is said to be the higher octave of Mercury. Uranus’ eccentric nature always keeps us on our toes, so expect the unexpected. Anyone buy any GameStop stock lately? 🤣
Check and recheck any correspondence, especially when you’re sending an email or anything over the internet. I’m getting a little message about online banking or doing your taxes online. I’d wait on filing if you can.
If you can’t wait on signing contracts, make sure to take your time reading through it. (A friend of mine made sure to do so during a Mercury retrograde and found an error which saved her a bunch of money)
Going on a trip? Give yourself extra time because there could be delays—especially with all this winter weather we’re experiencing.
Things you may want to do:
Reflecting on Aquarius themes of inspiration and originality and humanity.
Taking a moment to mediate—that could be journaling, doing a puzzle, going for a walk, could clear your mind to find the answer to an abandoned project you stalled out on.
You know the drill, don’t start anything new, watch out for old relationships trying to come back. You know they haven’t changed. Be patient with yourself and others.