New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Sagittarius at 23º December 14th 7:17am pst
🎵 “Free your mind, and the rest will follow.” 🎶 Remember that hit from 1992? No? Oh you weren’t born? 😅 Well, trust me, it was the jam during my high school days.
This song sung by the talented black women of En Vogue, immediately popped into my head as I started thinking about the energies this solar eclipse/new moon in Sag would bring about. The song goes on to talk about assumptions that keep us divided rather than united. (Some pieces of the song are a little outdated, but it was the 90’s, and we “didn’t see color”🤨.)
With the eclipses and Nodes in the signs of learning and stepping closer towards the Aquarian Age, it’s time to free our minds from what scares us and holds us back, so that we can come together and be who we truly want to be. Are you ready? Too bad it’s happening!
So back to the eclipse, this is connected to the lunar eclipse we had on Dec 1st in Gemini, and the midpoint of a three-cycle eclipse that hits Gemini and Sagittarius until December of next year. Again, Gemini is how we learn and communication, while Sagittarius is higher learning and how we share it.
With the solar eclipse in Sagittarius it’s the “Hero’s journey” or call to adventure. It reminds me of the Fool in Tarot, the number 0 card. I know the Fool is considered an Aquarius card, but when I think about the image of this fella with a small bundle of his possessions on a stick ready to set out on a journey and the sun at his back, I’m ready to get on the road with him.
With his little dog nipping at his heels, he’s got everything he needs...what’s that little dog? There’s a cliff in front of your master? Oh well let’s use the optimistic faith of the Sagittarian vibes right now, and hope that this leap of faith we’re all about to take will land us on our feet again.
Because truly that’s the new moon energy, coupled with this solar eclipse, it’s about new beginnings, spontaneity, kinda anything goes. Of course, in this moment as the loyal dog tries to warn about the cliff— do you continue to walk? Is it even of cliff? Is that a warning bark, or is it just time to stop for second breakfast? Aha! This is where it’s up to you to decide.
Are you one that usually just charges ahead without thinking or are you often so cautious that it stops you from acknowledging your intuition, forcing you to miss opportunities?
You may have some luck figuring it all out because we have Mercury conjunct this eclipse, which rules our thinking as well as a trine with active Mars to get us pumped for the big changes that are coming. Just take a breath, a meditation moment to discern what is true, because although we have a lot of positive aspects, Neptune the planet of illusions can distort all this fiery Sagittarius power and push us towards it’s shadowy depth of over confidence, recklessness and delusions of grandeur. NBD you got this!
If that’s a cliff in front of you either pull a plane out of that bundle of stuff you’re carrying or stop and redirect yourself. Take a step back and look at the big picture, like the Hanged Man in Tarot. He may be hanging upside down by one leg in a tree, but it always tells me to perhaps a change of perspective is needed to break old patterns and get out of your head, man! (*note when seeing the word “man” in my musings, please pronounce it like an old hippy would. Thanks- the Management).
Whoops, looks like that’s my time, but I just want to say enjoy the energy of this eclipse, think positive, expand your horizons and just have faith that 🎶every little thing, gonna be all right!🎶