New Moon in Aries- what do you want to manifest?
If you are looking for oracle cards, Yasmin Boland’s Moonolgy Oracle Cards are beautiful. Great for time prediction and inspirational messages.
New Moon in Aries at 22º— The universe is supporting your dreams. Set your intentions for what YOU want, because it’s sometimes harder than you think.
We’ve all been so programmed to say what we don’t want, “I don’t want to work at this job or I don’t want this type of relationship”. When we do this, often the universe will manifest those low vibes quickly and easily. This new moon in Aries is an opportunity to change our mindset and focus our intentions and dare to dream. The gift for the new year from the universe is this moon sextile Mars and Jupiter at 22º. Twenty-two is THE master builder number which gives even more power to the possibilities of success. That warrior energy of Aries season wants to fight for you, as your mind and spirit are in sync. It thrives on this laser like focus to go forward and conquer anything that stands in your way this year. [insert Xena: Warrior Princess battle cry here] ⚔️
Although the moon is squaring off with Pluto, it inspires a transformation of emotions that may initiate the change needed to become more authentic in relationship with yourself and others. Aries season is the time to start a new cycle and that means leaving the old stuff behind. The trine between Mars and Jupiter gives you the confidence to face your fears to shed the old habits and Pluto often ends things. Yet, after the end comes a new beginning, like the 10 of swords in tarot. We see the warrior has been stabbed in the back so much that it seems they can’t go on, yet the sun is coming up over the horizon. We could keep lying in the dirt—defeated, but the universe wants us to pick ourselves up and focus on the new dawn in the horizon. Again, I can take inspiration from LOTR: The Two Towers, when we think all hope is lost for our gang at Helms Deep until Aragon remembers Gandalf say, “Look to my coming, at first light, on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the East." That’s what this new moon is, it’s leading us to become the next card in the tarot, the young but confident—Page of Swords. We may be in uncharted territory but we hold our sword aloft, and make positive movement forward. The swords in tarot are all about our mental focus and with Mercury sextile Mars, the mutual reception between these two planets supports your steps towards your desired outcome in becoming the queen or king of swords—aka your sovereignty! 👑
Mars sextile the moon and Venus can bring all of these challenges to a fair and just conclusion, allowing you to move on feeling heard and keeping your self-respect intact. (No fighting, no biting, no flicking!) And if you’ve got planets in Aries at 22º (or around) or a lot of cardinal energy in your chart, that’s Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, then you may feel the push to be brave and bold—like Batman. I wonder if Bats has an Aries moon 🤔 So set your intentions and see by October how your life has been transformed when you allow yourself to dream big.