Formerly Astrology Airheads, now Cosmos Connector: your connection to all things magical, metaphysical and healing.
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Roslynn started Astrology Airheads podcast in 2020 with a friend, to combine their love of pop culture and astrology, in a way only two air signs could—hence the name. Although Roslynn is flying solo these days on the show, she’s been able to add her alter ego, the Cosmos Connector created back in 2015, to add a bit of esoteric wisdom into the podcast. No doubt the pop culture is still there, but with interviews with gifted healers, intuitives, and readers added to the mix, the vibe of the show has been recalibrated for this new Aquarian Age.
Not only is Roslynn focused on astrology, energy work, tarot, and meditation, she’s also a visionary artist that combines her decade long experience working in animation and film with her healing practices. She is able to combine these passions to express the feel of what is beyond the ordinary, and will soon have published illustrations in an updated series of books The Pulse of Creation, distributed by Jolibro publishing.
Her journey into the spiritual world has always been with her, but 2010 was a marked year as she began to find concrete information into the world that we’re all a part of. A chance mediation session led her to find energy healing and she became a Reiki Master/Teacher receiving two master/teacher attunements one in 2012 and the later in 2014. This directed her to becoming a certified angel/tarot card reader in 2013 and holding meditation classes for her clients.
When she’s not doing a reiki session over Zoom or gazing at the stars checking out her home planet of Lyra, you can find this Libra sun, moon and Sagittarius rising, at Comic-Con or in a dance class when it's safe to gather. In the meantime you can connect with her on Instagram @cosmosconnector @astrologyairheads or at